• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
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To empower and support the women, youth and children of South Sudan by providing access to food and safe shelter, education, and healthcare, amongst many other vital needs, thereby fostering a foundation for sustainable development and a brighter future.


A world in which every woman, young adolescent and child in South Sudan grows up in a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment free from hunger, poverty, disease, and conflict.

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About Compassionate Institute for Street Children (CIS)

"Everyone deserves a chance"

The Compassionate Institute for Street Children (CIS) emerges as a pivotal force of compassion and systemic change within the challenging and distressed landscape of South Sudan. Founded with the core values of empathy, decisive action, and enduring impact, CIS has become a lifeline for the most vulnerable populations, especially women and children living on the streets, amidst ongoing conflict and socio-economic instability.

Central to its mission, CIS aims to break the relentless cycles of poverty and displacement that cast a long shadow over the lives of street children and women in South Sudan. It adopts a holistic and flexible methodology to ensure the provision of immediate necessities such as food security and safe shelter amongst many other vital needs like healthcare and social protection, while also building a foundation for long-term resilience and autonomy.

Food security initiatives stand at the forefront of CIS’s programs, acknowledging the critical role of nutrition in the survival and wellbeing of those affected by the country’s complex humanitarian crises. These programs are carefully designed to provide not just food but to instill a sense of belonging and hope among marginalized communities. By integrating aspects of nutritional education, locally sustainable food sourcing, and access to wholesome food, CIS directly confronts the dire malnutrition challenges prevalent in the region.

Yet, the institute’s vision extends far beyond fulfilling basic needs. CIS is deeply committed to fostering the overall growth and empowerment of South Sudan’s street children and vulnerable women. This commitment is manifested through comprehensive support services that cover educational opportunities, vocational training, healthcare access, and legal support. Tailored to address the distinct barriers faced by these communities, CIS’s initiatives empower them to navigate out of vulnerability, towards a trajectory of self-determination and societal contribution.

Operating within the complex humanitarian context of South Sudan, CIS’s work is acutely focused yet far-reaching. By prioritizing the voices and experiences of the communities it serves, the organization ensures that its interventions are both relevant and impactful. Through collaborative efforts, community mobilization, and an unwavering dedication to compassionate action, the Compassionate Institute for Street Children is not only providing immediate relief but also fostering sustainable development and social cohesion in one of the world’s most fragile countries.

Compassionate Institute for Street Children has strong operation presence in the Central Equatoria (Juba and Terekeka), Eastern Equatoria (Kapoeta South and Kapoeta North), Lakes(Rumbek North and Cueibet), Northern Bahr el Ghazal (Aweil Centre), and Western Bahr el Ghazal (Wau). Our headquarter office is in Juba.
Women & Children

Our Core Values

These core values serve as the foundation of our organization, guiding our decisions, actions, and interactions as we work towards our shared vision of a better, brighter future for all.


in delivering services, we are answerable to the donors, beneficiaries and ourselves.


Understanding and addressing the suffering of children with a kind and giving heart.


Conducting all our activities with the highest level of honesty and transparency.


Promoting strength and the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties faced by children.


Working together with communities, local authorities, and international partners to amplify our impact.


Ensuring every child has an equal chance to thrive, regardless of their background.
Strategic Network Partners