• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
Nutrition and Food Security

Fighting Hunger, Nurturing Futures: The Compassionate Institute for Street Children's Nutrition and Food Security Initiative

In South Sudan, hunger and malnutrition cast a dark shadow over the lives of countless children, stunting their growth, impairing development, and threatening their very survival. The Child Health Foundation tackles this crisis head-on, ensuring children have the nourishment they need for healthy and fulfilling lives.

Our Nutrition and Food Security Initiative focuses on two intertwined strategies:

Household-Level Food Production

We empower vulnerable women, often heads of households, with the training, seeds, and tools needed to establish their own sustainable food sources. This promotes food security, reduces reliance on aid, and can generate income.

Emergency Food Distribution

When immediate hunger strikes, we establish rapid response networks to reach children and families in critical need. We prioritize life-saving, nutrient-rich foods to combat severe malnutrition.

Our Approach to Solving the Crisis:


Our programs works in partnership with local leaders, respecting traditional knowledge while introducing sustainable practices.

Nutrition Education:

Alongside food distribution we emphasize education on healthy eating habits, food preparation, and maximizing nutritional value, especially for mothers and caregivers.

Focus on Early Childhood:

We recognize that the first 1,000 days of a child's life are crucial for development. Our programs target young children and pregnant/lactating mothers to maximize impact.

Impact the Program Has on Society:

Immediate Lifesaving:

Rapid food distribution combats acute malnutrition and prevents child deaths due to starvation.

Empowerment of Women:

By boosting household food production, women gain greater self-sufficiency and are better able to protect their families.

Foundation for a Healthy Future:

Well-nourished children have a stronger foundation for lifelong health, education, and economic opportunity.

Improved Health & Development:

Nourished children have stronger bodies, better cognitive function, and are more likely to thrive in school.

Reduced Vulnerability:

Increased food security decreases desperation, reducing the risk of exploitation and migration in search of food.

The Child Health Foundation’s Nutrition and Food Security Initiative is about more than just filling hungry stomachs; it’s about unlocking children’s potential and breaking cycles of poverty.

Partner with us to fight child hunger in South Sudan. Your donation will provide life-saving food, seeds, and training that will transform lives. Together, we can create a future where every child has the chance to grow up healthy and strong. DONATE TODAY!


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Donation Total: $100.00

Food First Initiative:

Emergency food distribution and household level production for vulnerable women.
Unlimited Goal
$0 Raised
Strategic Network Partners