• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
Healthcare Access

Healing Hands, Healthy Futures: Healthcare Access for South Sudan's Children

In South Sudan, where healthcare infrastructure is fragile and conflict has left deep scars, children bear the brunt of disease and untreated trauma. The Compassionate Institute for Street Children (CIS) recognizes that health is a cornerstone of resilience, opening doors to education, future opportunity, and breaking cycles of poverty. Our Healthcare Access program offers a lifeline, bringing critical medical care and support to those most in need.

Sadly, preventable diseases like malaria and pneumonia can be death sentences in South Sudan.

Our Healthcare Access program confronts these challenges with:

Medical Assistance:

Mobile clinics and partnerships with existing health facilities provide essential check-ups, treatment for common illnesses, and urgent medical care.

Psychological Support:

Trained counselors offer trauma-informed care, helping children process their experiences and build coping mechanisms for a healthier future.

Health Education:

Engaging programs for children and communities emphasize hygiene, disease prevention, and healthy practices, promoting long-term wellbeing.

Immunization Drives:

We focus on vaccinating children against preventable diseases, dramatically reducing child mortality and protecting future health.

Our Approach to Solving the Crisis:


Healthcare goes where it's needed – reaching remote or underserved areas through mobile clinics and community outreach.


We collaborate with local health providers and NGOs to maximize reach and expertise, building sustainable healthcare capacity.

Culturally Sensitive Care:

Our programs respect local traditions and beliefs, building trust and ensuring healthcare is accepted and utilized.

Impact the Program Has on Society:

Improved Health Outcomes

Children receive timely treatment, reducing illness, disability, and preventable deaths.

Disease Prevention:

Education and immunization campaigns empower communities to safeguard their children's health long-term.

Community Resilience:

A healthy population contributes to stronger, more stable communities, reducing burdens on strained resources.

Stronger Mental Health:

Counseling and support help children heal from trauma, improving their emotional well-being and overall resilience.

School Attendance:

Healthier children are more likely to attend and succeed in school, opening pathways to brighter futures.

Our Healthcare Access program is an investment in South Sudan’s future. Through compassionate, skilled medical care and prevention efforts, we nurture children’s physical and mental health, paving the way for them to reach their full potential.

Your support will help us expand our healthcare reach. Donate to fund mobile clinics, medical supplies, and vital training for community health workers. Together, we can build healthier, more hopeful communities across South Sudan. DONATE TODAY!


Healthcare Acces

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Donation Total: $100.00

Primary Health Campaigns

We strive to improve access to quality healthcare services for the children through offering medical assistance, psychological support, and health education to prevent and treat diseases and trauma
Unlimited Goal
$0 Raised
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