• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
Provision of Basic Need

Securing Survival and Nurturing Hope: Basic Needs Support for Vulnerable Communities in South Sudan

In the heart of South Sudan, a relentless humanitarian crisis casts a long shadow over the most vulnerable – children living on the streets and women struggling against instability. The Compassionate Institute for Street Children (CIS) stands as a beacon, determined to provide essential lifelines of food, clothing, shelter, and a foundation for a brighter future.

The stark reality of South Sudan is that hunger remains a constant, devastating threat. Prolonged conflict, displacement, and economic distress have left countless families unable to secure even the most basic necessities for survival. Children, often orphaned or separated, and women who are heads of households face the starkest deprivation.

Our "Provision of Basic Needs" project tackles this challenge head-on:

Emergency Food Distribution

We establish rapid-response networks to reach those in immediate food crisis, providing life-saving nourishment to critically malnourished children and families.

Household-Level Food Production

For vulnerable women, we provide training, seeds, and tools to establish sustainable small-scale agriculture. This boosts food security and generates income potential for families.

Our Approach to Solving the Crisis:

CIS understands that providing food and shelter, while critical, is just the beginning. Our approach is holistic and informed by best practices:

Community Collaboration:

We partner with local leaders and organizations, ensuring our interventions are culturally appropriate and sustainable.

Nutrition & Education

Food distribution is paired with education on healthy food preparation and nutritional needs, especially for young children.

Trauma-Informed Care:

Recognizing the trauma endured by street children, we incorporate psychosocial support alongside physical sustenance.

Impact the Program Has on Society:

Saves Lives:

Immediate hunger relief prevents starvation and illness, especially among the most vulnerable children.

Reduces Vulnerability:

Women empowered with food production skills gain resilience and reduce dependency on external aid.

Promotes Child Wellbeing:

Well-nourished children are more likely to thrive, attend school, and break the cycle of poverty.

Strengthens Communities:

Increased food security and stability reduce desperation, potential conflict, and outward migration.

Fosters Hope:

Simple acts of care and provision signal to these marginalized groups that they are not forgotten, sparking hope for a better future.

The “Provision of Basic Needs” project embodies CIS’s unwavering commitment to compassion and empowerment. It’s more than handing out food; it’s planting seeds of stability and creating pathways out of despair for South Sudan’s struggling communities.

Join us in this vital work. Your donation will help us secure food, provide critical supplies, and empower vulnerable women. Together, we can build a future where every child and woman in South Sudan has the opportunity to thrive. DONATE TODAY!


Provision of Basic Need

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Donation Total: $100.00

Food First Initiative:

Emergency food distribution and household level production for vulnerable women.
Unlimited Goal
$0 Raised
Strategic Network Partners