• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
Education and Empowerment

Opening Doors to Opportunity: Education and Empowerment for Children in South Sudan

In South Sudan, where years of conflict have disrupted the lives of millions, education provides a lifeline – a pathway to escape poverty and shape brighter futures for communities. The Compassionate Institute for Street Children (CIS) is committed to breaking down barriers to education, ensuring children have the tools and support they need to reach their full potential.

Our Education and Empowerment program focuses on transforming access to education in underserved areas through:

Building and Equipping Schools:

We construct safe and functional school buildings in rural areas where children currently lack access to formal education. We equip classrooms with desks, learning materials, and essential supplies.

Teacher Training and Support:

Alongside infrastructure, we invest in local teachers, providing training, resources, and ongoing support to ensure they can deliver quality instruction.

Holistic Approach:

Education is about more than classrooms. We offer scholarship programs, meals to encourage attendance, and work with families to overcome barriers to children's school participation.

Focus on Girls' Education:

Recognizing the unique obstacles girls face, we prioritize programs supporting girls' enrollment, retention, and achievement.

Our Approach to Solving the Crisis:

Community Driven:

Our school projects are developed in close consultation with local leaders, ensuring they reflect community needs and fostering long-term ownership.


We emphasize long-term school support, including maintenance plans, and community engagement to ensure enduring benefits.

Beyond Literacy and Numeracy:

Our curriculum promotes life skills, vocational training elements, and peacebuilding, equipping children with tools for self-reliance and conflict resolution.

Impact the Program Has on Society:

Brighter Futures:

Educated children have better job prospects, increased earning potential, and can break cycles of generational poverty.

Gender Equity:

Investing in girls' education drives social progress, with lasting benefits for health, economic growth, and societal stability.

Resilient and Peaceful Societies:

Education promotes critical thinking, understanding, and tolerance, reducing the risk of future conflict.

Stronger Families:

When children receive education, parents (especially mothers) have more opportunities to generate income, improving family wellbeing.

Community Transformation:

Education reduces vulnerability to exploitation, promotes civic engagement, and builds agents of positive change.

The Education and Empowerment program is more than just building schools; it’s about investing in South Sudan’s most valuable resource – its children. By providing access to quality education, we create ripples of opportunity and hope for generations to come.

Join us in this transformative work. Your donation will fund classrooms, teacher training, and scholarships for deserving students. Together, we can unlock the potential of every child in South Sudan. DONATE TODAY!


Education and Empowerment

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Donation Total: $100.00

Hope Schools Initiative

We believe in the transformative power of education. Our organization is dedicated to promoting education for the children, empowering them with knowledge and skills that will contribute to their future success through the construction of schools, provision of educational materials, and support of teacher training programs.
Unlimited Goal
$0 Raised
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