• info@cis-southsudan.org
  • +211 922 022 881
Child Protection

Defending Innocence: Child Protection and Rights Advocacy in South Sudan

South Sudan, children’s rights are too often forgotten amidst conflict and instability. The Compassionate Institute for Street Children steps into the gap as a fierce advocate, determined to protect children from abuse, exploitation, and neglect, ensuring their voices are amplified and their rights upheld.

Our Child Protection - Advocacy for Human Rights program operates on two crucial fronts:

Child Rights Advocacy Network

We forge a powerful alliance of NGOs, community leaders, government agencies, and legal experts committed to strengthening child protection laws and holding violators accountable. This network advocates for policy change, raises awareness, and pushes for a world where children's rights are enshrined and protected.

Emergency Response Unit

Responding to crises, our trained personnel provide immediate legal aid, counseling, and safe haven for children affected by conflict, disaster, or abuse. Our goal is to break the cycle of violence and safeguard children's wellbeing.

Our Approach to Solving the Crisis:

Voice for the Voiceless

We speak up for children who cannot speak for themselves, ensuring their rights are prioritized in discussions and decision-making that affect their lives.

Legal Empowerment

We offer legal aid and representation to child victims, navigating complex justice systems and ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice.


Partnerships with law enforcement, social services, and local organizations create a web of protection and support for vulnerable children.

Education & Awareness

We educate communities on child rights, the dangers of exploitation, and reporting mechanisms.

Impact the Program Has on Society:


Perpetrators of abuse face legal consequences, deterring future crimes and fostering a sense of justice for victims.

Empowered Communities:

Increased awareness of child rights leads to communities actively safeguarding their most vulnerable members.

Foundation for Peace:

A society where children are protected is a more just society, laying groundwork for long-term stability and peace.

Safer Childhoods

Children are shielded from abuse, exploitation, and violence, allowing them to experience the security and care they deserve.

Stronger Justice System:

Advocacy efforts lead to improved laws, effective enforcement, and a culture where child rights violations are not tolerated.

The Child Health Foundation’s unwavering commitment to child protection is a beacon of hope for South Sudan. Our advocacy and emergency response work creates tangible change for children, ensuring a brighter, safer future for them to thrive.

Join us in this crucial fight. Your donation supports legal aid, advocacy networks, and the operation of our emergency response unit. Together, let’s give every child in South Sudan the chance to live free from fear and exploitation. DONATE TODAY!


Child Protection - Advocacy for Human Rights

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Defending Innocence: Child Protection and Rights Advocacy in South Sudan
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